FICX invites you to ride the "great wave" of independent cinema

Submitted by mjalvarez on Tue, 09/13/2022 - 13:43
Bloques de Contenido
Fondo Blanco

With an image by Gijón illustrator Marco Recuero, in which the sea of the Asturian city is once again the protagonist, and under the slogan "Your great wave of independent cinema", the Festival is appealing directly to the public, but also to distributors, programmers and the press to get on board the great wave of the 60th FICX. Because there may not be another great wave, another opportunity to see a selection of films as special as the one that will pass through the festival in 2022. FICX thus positions itself with determination on the national festival scene as the place where the waves break, where great discoveries are made, where the force of the sea itself provokes new expansive ripples.

Despite being 60 years old, FICX is an event conjugated in the present that looks to the future: against quantity, quality; against accumulation, the filter; against depersonalisation, proximity; against competitiveness, collaboration and the implementation of specific actions with other events, in a clear commitment to sustainability in terms of format and resources. Beyond conventionalisms, labels and debates on genres and narratives, the Gijón/Xixón Festival is once again committed to honest cinema, a cinema of stories that dives into yesterday and brings up today to rebuild tomorrow.

In its Official Selection, Retueyos sets the direction of the cinema that will come from emerging filmmakers who will make an impact on cinephiles; Albar focuses on experienced figures, while Tierres en Trance proposes immersions in the memory of Ibero-America, Spain and Portugal to understand our times.

The image of the 60th FICX

Regarding the image of this year's Gijón/Xixón Festival, illustrator Marco Recuero says that every year in November "FICX sweeps us along like a tsunami of cinema and culture, which is what I have tried to represent in this year's poster, combining the number 60 with a stylised wave formed by parallel lines, creating a very iconic image that is easy to reproduce and remember".

Fondo Blanco

Cartel 60FICX


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Imagen descriptiva

From 11 to 19 November, the 60th edition of Gijón/Xixón International Film Festival will be the big party and meeting point for genuinely independent cinema, maintaining its commitment to those films that offer a personal and genuine look, and which for the most part are not guaranteed visibility. These films should be seen in Gijón/Xixón, here and now, because they might not reach commercial cinemas or online platforms. Alternative, surprising and human cinema that is both revealing and moving.
