WHY YOU SHOULD SEE: Breve miragem de sol

Submitted by lekmelendi on Wed, 11/04/2020 - 11:57
Bloques de Contenido
Fondo Blanco

Three drunk kids get into a taxi at night in Rio de Janeiro. They are three little kids, the kind you've seen a thousand times while drinking, screaming for a slap from their mother. The one who never gave them one. Bullies, impertinent, fatuous. Hollow. Unable even to agree on which bar to go to, they make the taxi driver dizzy with their antics and contempt until...

We are not going to make you a spoiler, because you have to see this film.

Fondo Blanco

Fondo Blanco

Breve miragem de sol starts with a resounding scene, which makes you suddenly feel as if you are anticipating in a few minutes almost everything that will be told to you: the loneliness of a steering wheel; the city among lights and alleys; the short stories in the back seat, which evoke more universal stories when seen from the rear-view mirror. Differences of class, race, frustration and hope, which travel between the claustrophobia of an endangered vehicle (oh, Uber) and the endless length of the great avenues of a megalopolis that never seems to end. Rio is luxury and a favela in constant expansion.

This fleeting solar mirage also dazzles with the personal story of its protagonist, Paulo, a pariah of these electric times in search of a future that is becoming more and more difficult for all of us. The favela is growing faster than the residential area with swimming pool in this sickly 21st century. At 40 years old, Paulo has only one immediate goal: to get his son back. However, behind that purpose is a yearning for redemption, and also for finding a new place in the world.

Fondo Blanco

Breve miragem 2

Fondo Blanco

Breve miragem de sol, by Eryk Rocha, is one of the films competing in the official section of this 58th edition of FICX. It is included in the section Tierres en trance, which brings together the best of current Latin American cinema, always committed to its struggles. You have all the technical information (synopsis, file, material) here. And to complete the story, all you need to do is get into the taxi, sit down and let yourself be carried away. Into the sun and into the darkness.


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Imagen descriptiva
Breve miragem de sol
Erik Rocha's film is a journey and a window